Ton Manders
Ton Manders
Head of Department Climate and Regional Economics at CPB Netherlands Bureau
10 in 10 Expert Panel
Ton Manders is Head of the Department Climate and Regional Economics at CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis. Until recently, he worked at PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency. From 2015-2018 he acted as Chief Scientist of PBL. Ton Manders has a degree (MSc) in both physical engineering and economics. Special fields of expertise are economic modeling, scenario analysis, and climate policy. Ton Manders contributed to IPCC, various working groups of the Energy Modelling Forum (EMF), the Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP) and UNEP’s Global Environmental Outlooks. He was responsible for PBLs input in the OECD Environmental Outlook to 2050. He was the author of the PBL report Green Gains. Lately, he supervised a major scenario project for the Dutch economy and the human environment.
Lucy Young
Lucy Young
Science Adviser in the Conservation and Science Department, WWF-UK
10 in 10 Technical Working Group
Lucy Young trained as an environmental scientist and furthered her studies with an MA in Environment and Development. She worked as an ecological researcher at Imperial College and then moved out of academia into local government where she was Environment Manager at Lewes District Council for 8 years. Lucy has since been at WWF-UK working in a variety of roles including campaigning, volunteer support, regional policy and advocacy. She is currently Science Adviser in the Conservation and Science department where she manages a number of research projects for the team, contributes to the development of the Living Planet Series and works across departments to advise on science content for a number of initiatives including the Green Brexit Campaign, Our Planet and international footprint.
Beatrix Richards
Beatrix Richards
Corporate Engagement Manager Europe, Solidaridad Network
Feed-X Technical Working Group
Beatrix Richards is a forest and agricultural commodity specialist with more than 30 years experience in natural resource management. She has a diploma in tropical dendrology, a BSc in environmental science and a Masters in forest management and has worked in commercial forestry as well as environmental policy and advocacy at national and EU level government. She has been on the Board of FSC and the UK Woodland Assurance Standard Ltd, on the advisory group for DEFRA’s work on sustainable timber procurement and the NGO advisory group for the Stern Review on Climate Change.
She worked for more than 18 years for WWF in a variety of roles, including as a member of the leadership team for the global Markets Practice, the joint World Bank/WWF programme assessing the comprehensiveness of certification schemes, as well as representing WWF at EU and international level on forest protection and legal and sustainable timber production. She now works as a senior corporate engagement manager for Europe at Solidaridad, an organisation focused on producer support and sustainable supply chain and innovative market development.
Lyndsey Dodds
Lyndsey Dodds
Head of Marine Policy, WWF-UK
Feed-X Technical Working Group
Lyndsey Dodds is the Head of Marine Policy at WWF-UK. She has been with WWF since 2007, initially working on the delivery of new marine legislation in the UK – the Marine and Coastal Access Act, then managing the PISCES and Celtic Seas Partnership projects. In her current role she focuses on UK and EU marine policy in areas such as fisheries, protected areas, planning and stakeholder engagement. Before joining WWF, she carried out doctoral research on deep‐sea corals off the coasts of the UK.
Bernadette Fischler
Bernadette Fischler
Head of Advocacy – Our Planet / 2020 Project, WWF-UK
10 in 10 Technical Working Group
Bernadette works at WWF-UK as Head of Advocacy – Our Planet / 2020 Project. In this role, she focuses particularly on influencing world leaders on pivotal global decisions in 2020 on climate, development and nature that can put our planet on a more sustainable trajectory. In this, and in her previous role as Post-2015 policy analyst with CAFOD, she has particularly focused on the interlinkages between UNFCCC, SDGs, and CBD. Before that, Bernadette set up a global advocacy campaign on the UN Millennium Development Goals for 10 million girls and young women on gender, education and environmental sustainability. Her previous jobs included Head of Communications for a Jewish Educational Centre in Vienna.
Bernadette has been contributing to UN processes for more than a decade. She holds several post-graduate degrees, including on international development and public affairs. Bernadette is originally from Austria and has lived in Portugal, Canada, Spain, and Argentina before coming to the UK.
Piers Hart
Piers Hart
Global Aquaculture Lead, WWF
Feed-X Technical Working Group
Dr Hart has nearly 40 years’ experience in aquaculture working in a variety of positions in the commercial sector, government, research, lecturing, consultancy and the NGO sector in both Australia and the United Kingdom. He has a BSc in Fishery Science and a PhD in flatfish larval rearing from the University of Tasmania and has been involved in salmonid, marine fish, abalone and rock lobster farming, recirculation systems, development of aquaculture teaching courses and certification of sustainable and organic aquaculture. He has published numerous papers on a diverse range of aquaculture issues and research.
Dr Hart has been working for the WWF for the past nine years and was the Global Aquaculture Lead until 2017. He is also a Director of SARF and is on the Steering Group for the ASC Feed Dialogue.
Duncan Williamson
Duncan Williamson
Food systems, biodiversity and sustainable diets expert, specialising in thought leadership, strategy and advocacy.
Feed-X Technical Working Group
I am a recognised environment, sustainable consumption and food systems expert. I have been working in the environment and related fields for over 20 years, with the last 13 focused on food systems and have an MSC in Sustainable Environmental Management focusing on land use. I have had leadership positions for over 15 years, most recently leading teams and projects at Compassion in World Farming (CIWF) and WWF UK.
I am the founder and director of Nourishing Food Systems. I am participating in the Global Alliance for the Future of Food (GAFF) Salzburg process on food systems. I am on the steering group for the Fork to Farm COP26 project, overseen by Nourish Scotland and IPES food. We are looking at the role of Just Transition in relation to global agreements and the needs of producers, small and large.
I am on the advisory body for the DiverIMPACTS project, which focuses on crop diversification through crop rotation. Previously I was on the advisory group for the Food and Climate Research Network and the Food Bites project. I have been on steering groups and advisory bodies for Forum for the Future’s Protein 2040, and the Food Foundation’s Peas Please and Veg Power programs. I was on the team that negotiated the format of the One Planet Network’s Sustainable Food Systems Program, previously under the UN’s 10YR Sustainable Consumption and Production banner.
Cristina Torres
Cristina Torres
Marine Program Coordinator, WWF-Chile
Feed-X Technical Working Group
Cristina Torres is the Marine Program Coordinator for WWF-Chile. She is a marine biologist with a Masters in Environmental Development from Universidad de Valparaiso. She has more than 15 years experience in aquaculture and marine sciences. In her years at WWF, she worked on aquaculture production and the promotion of responsible standards through Aquaculture Improvement Project and the Aquaculture Stewardship Council certification and has led the engagement efforts with different stakeholders to reduce the environmental impacts of salmon farming in the South of Chile. In her current role as a coordinator, Cristina leads the transformation efforts in Chile to promote sustainable sourcing in domestic and global markets by working with key national and international retail, improving farming practices in priority seascapes, and the creation of a network of Marine Protected Areas in Patagonia.
The Marine Program is highly interdisciplinary and links issues such as community-based ecosystem management, community sustainability, species, and sustainable aquaculture. Before joining WWF, she interned as an environmental analyst for the Undersecretariat of Fisheries and Aquaculture for the Chilean government, worked as the lead scientist for the Maintencillo Management Area for the Exploitation of Benthic Resources (AMERB), as well as lead researcher and aquaculture consultant on technical and legal issues at an environmental law firm.
Alexander Liedke
Alexander Liedke
Leads Science-Based Targets activities, WWF
10 in 10 Technical Working Group
Alexander currently leads the Science-Based Targets activities of WWF. In his role, he engages with companies to set climate targets according to science. His work involves a wide range of activities – from sector approaches and method development to individual target setting projects, e.g. corporate renewable electricity purchasing strategies or scope 3 targets.
He is also WWF’s project leader in a publicly funded multi-institutions 2-year project “Weg in die <2° Wirtschaft” (Road to a <2° economy) with ~30 companies involved along several value chains to establish cross-industry collaboration to achieve emission reductions. He develops and manages corporate partnerships with different focuses and gives lectures in sustainability strategy at university. Before his time at WWF, Alexander worked as a product manager and sustainability consultant with a focus on lifecycle management. He holds a Masters in biology.
Jaco Du Toit
Jaco Du Toit
Senior Advocacy Adviser, WWF-UK
10 in 10 Technical Working Group
Jaco is a Senior Advocacy Adviser at WWF-UK on biodiversity in the lead up to 2020. In this capacity, he is leading work on engaging businesses and galvanising WWF’s advocacy efforts across several countries.
Jaco has a strong background in climate change policy having served as WWF’s policy manager in the lead up to the Paris Agreement. This included international strategic coordination and policy development across climate change mitigation, adaptation and finance with particular successes in influencing the action agenda and five yearly review cycles of the Paris Agreement. Jaco has served as the Corporate Engagement Manager of the international Science Based Targets initiative. In this capacity, he led the work of a cross-organisational engagement team that recruited more than a hundred businesses to this flagship initiative that helps businesses set greenhouse gas emissions reductions targets in line with the Paris Agreement.