NovoNutrients protein meal

Demo, accelerate and incubate: FEED-X is ‘taking away excuses to act’ on sustainable innovation

Demo, accelerate and incubate: FEED-X is ‘taking away excuses to act’ on sustainable innovation

Aquaculture was the initial focus of FEED-X, under Project X, an initiative working to accelerate the adoption of environmentally sustainable solutions within global supply chains; a subsequent cycle will look to accelerate feed innovation in the poultry and/or pet food sectors, says the CEO.

Please read the whole article here


Unibio to boost sustainable production of protein

|  Press Release  |

Unibio to boost sustainable production of protein

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

The international FEED-X program selected Unibio as one of the top ten selected innovators for their non-GMO, non-land- or non-ocean-based and organic protein, the Uniprotein® product. The objective of the FEED-X program is to replace 10% of the conventional protein in the feed mix globally by adopting sustainable alternatives that will significantly reduce feed-related environmental impacts. FEED-X counts with the support of the World Wildlife Foundation (WWF), EIT Climate KIC and other mission-aligned partners, such as IKEA and Skretting.

The expectations for Unibio’s contribution to the FEED-X program are high. Thanks to the Uniprotein® product, Unibio has the capacity to undertake the core task for which FEED-X has been designed: tackle the sustainability challenges of producing feed for animals and fish at a fast-paced global level. This is exactly the potential of the Uniprotein® product produced on Unibio’s U-Loop® technology; the unlimited amount of methane on this planet can be turned into an unlimited amount of proteins. FEED-X’s long-term goal is to provide the world’s growing population with food produced in a more sustainable and environmentally conscious way.

“We are thrilled to be moving forward with such a talented innovator. This is a company that has four of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals woven into its DNA. Unibio has demonstrated an incredible potential for sustainable performance and an inspiring commitment to making a positive difference on this planet. The idea behind the Uniprotein® product is incredible, and we are very much looking forward to seeing Unibio’s potential unfold through FEED-X,” said Marcela Navarro, CEO of Project X.

“In a future where we have to reduce the global environmental footprint of feed production significantly, we believe that Unibio delivers a game-changing technology. Imagine applying the global abundance of methane to produce an almost unlimited supply of protein. No need to add additional stress to the world’s oceans or agricultural systems. No need to clear more rainforest. This is the opportunity presented by the Unibio technology,” said Henrik Busch-Larsen, Unibio CEO. “Slipping through the FEED-X loophole was a stamp of approval. The collaboration holds big potential for Unibio in terms of taking us to the next level of becoming a significant worldwide supplier of non-polluting and environmentally friendly protein.”


Uniprotein® – a sustainable protein

The Uniprotein® product is produced based on fermentation of a microbial culture using any type of methane as feedstock – it is an organic product and can easily be produced at a very large scale. The Uniprotein® product also boasts excellent standards of quality. It has a 70% protein content that easily replaces high-value proteins like super-prime fishmeal and highly concentrated soy products, especially in aquaculture feeds and as starter feed for piglets. The Uniprotein® product creates less stress for life on land and less stress for life below water.

Unibio, a leading industrial biotech company headquartered in Denmark, has developed a fermentation method for producing a sustainable organic and highly concentrated protein for the food and feed markets, decoupling protein production from farming and fishing. The sustainable organic protein will be sold through a network of distributors as well as directly to large key accounts around the world. The company is owned by the founding Busch-Larsen family, a group of private investors and Mitsubishi Corporation.

Visit Uniobio's Innovator Page

novo nutrients featured

NovoNutrients is transforming industrial waste carbon dioxide emissions into feed and food ingredients, through industrial biotech

Skretting to Test NovoNutrients Novel Protein Ingredients, Eyeing Off-Take Agreement

The protein behind the protein™ NovoNutrients is fast tracked in Skretting’s global search for sustainable innovations to solve major nutrition challenges

September 15, 2020 1:00 PM Eastern Standard Time SUNNYVALE, Calif.

NovoNutrients, a Silicon Valley based innovator making protein through carbon capture and utilization, has been selected to test at Skretting’s Aquaculture Research Centre facilities, bringing ever closer their shared objective of removing barriers to sustainably fed, affordable food by 2025. NovoNutrients is among a handful of sustainable innovations given a pioneering level of support within Skretting. The explicit goal is striking a procurement contract through which Skretting would commit to purchases of NovoNutrients’ feed ingredients.

“Through cooperation with industry leader, Skretting, NovoNutrients’ path to large-scale manufacturing and adoption is greatly smoothed and shortened. We are thrilled to see this deep push for nutrition innovation. We can feed fish and also push quickly to offer our protein to plant-based meat companies, supplementing or replacing their use of soy and peas,” said NovoNutrients CEO, David Tze.

Now, NovoNutrients is progressing forward with the testing of their protein product within Skretting’s ingredient development process. In September 2020, the first product sample of bacterial protein meal is being shipped to Skretting from NovoNutrients’ Silicon Valley lab. In 2021, samples will originate from one or both of NovoNutrients’ emissions pilot projects, which are planned for the US and Japan, in the value chains for energy, steel, and concrete.

Jenna Bowyer, Skretting’s Category Manager Novel Ingredients, says “We recognize that it’s difficult for a start-up to have a product that is developed enough to enter our ingredient development pipeline and to meet the requirements needed for Skretting to start purchasing any volumes. Our evolving ingredient development pipeline is designed to identify the most promising innovations from these companies and ensure that they get the resources and attention needed to excel within Skretting’s rigorous and incredibly selective evaluation process. We know that financing first-of-a-kind ingredient factories is hard for start-ups and, via the range of different agreements we can apply, we hope to break that limiting cycle and signal to the world which innovators we think have what it takes to go commercial and get big.”

“At Skretting, we have seen that the biggest limitation in the implementation of novel ingredients is scale and a resulting competitive price,” said Robert van den Breemer, Procurement Director, Skretting. “This work allows a game-changing discussion to enable the necessary resources and highlights why we’re involved. We can make a real impact to global sustainability and we see a direct link with supporting our mission of Feeding the Future.”

NovoNutrients transforms industrial emissions that are primarily carbon dioxide (CO2) into additives and high-performance protein ingredients, initially for fast-growing fish and shrimp feed markets. Brian Sefton, CTO and founder, explains. “Aquaculture often relies on feeding fish to fish, in the form of fish meal and fish oil ingredients. That supply is limited, volatile, and expensive. To keep aqua feed production from being undersupplied with the nutrients it needs and potentially limiting growth in the aquaculture sector, less costly additives and proteins are needed to make fish feed. Our gas fermentation process is anchored by low blended-cost, massive-scale feedstocks: waste CO2, as well as mixed gas containing hydrogen. The gases grow up our fast-doubling bacterial meal strains, which are natural, have 70%+ protein, and, optionally, integrated additives.”

Skretting’s attention was seized when NovoNutrients was chosen by a panel of 13 fully independent subject matter experts in the fields of nutrition, feed, environment, alternative protein, aquaculture innovation, finance, and assurance at a September 17, 2019 event held by Project X in London. With a systems approach, that event called on innovators in the feed and aquaculture sectors to come forward with sustainable alternatives to transform the industry’s performance. The expert judging panel included representatives from Skretting, IKEA, DTU Aqua, WWF, Cambridge University, Surrey University, DNV GL, and the World Bank, as well as private wealth and impact investment partners, with EIT Climate Kic providing independent observation.

About NovoNutrients – Focused on food and feed from CO2™ carbon capture and utilization, NovoNutrients is the protein behind the protein™. Through proprietary microbial biotech, NovoNutrients transforms industrial waste carbon dioxide (CO2) into alternative protein ingredients and food/feed additives. NovoNutrients is the first economical way to make the building blocks of food, using natural microbes to break down molecules and reassemble them into lowest-cost feed and food ingredients. The process’s key input are CO2 and hydrogen. The CO2 is utilized from untreated, waste emissions from cement plants, ethanol factories, pulp and paper, refineries, or a variety of other industrial sources. The products will feed fish, feed pets, and feed people. NovoNutrients is a pre-sales, venture-funded company that is moving quickly to commercialization.

About Skretting – Skretting is the global leader in providing innovative and sustainable nutritional solutions for the aquaculture industry. It has production facilities on five continents, manufacturing and delivering high quality feeds from hatching to harvest for more than 60 fish and shrimp species, in quantities exceeding 2.5 million tonnes each year. Skretting is owned by Nutreco, which has 100 years of experience and 2019 net revenues of €6.4 billion. Every day, its 12,100 dedicated employees, in more than 37 countries across the globe, relentlessly pursue the mission of Feeding the Future, sustainably. Nutreco’s advanced solutions are at the origin of food for millions of consumers worldwide. Its Trouw Nutrition division is a global leader in animal nutrition.

Chris Oakes  |  NovoNutrients  |
Sophie Noonan  |  Skretting  |

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Knowledge X-Change Webinar Sep 23 | Speakers Announced


Scaling alternative feed ingredients

A System’s Perspective

Event Summary

This webinar will focus on scaling the ben efits of alternative feed ingredients, and sharing the Project X approach to de-risking.

The Speakers

Join us and our panel of experts as we discuss how to increase the confidence of the sustainability performance of alternative feed ingredients, and share experiences of the feed industry value chain.

23rd September 2020

2-4 pm BST


Join Us Round table Discussion. Incentivising Scale Up

Cristina Torres – Marine Programme Coordinator, WWF Chile
Alex Warrington – Aquaculture, Soil Association
Aisla Jones – Fish Sustainability Manager, COOP
Ruth Hoban – Sustainability Manager, New England Seafood
Dr Jeroen Kals – Senior Researcher Seafood, Aquaculture & Fish Nutrition, Wageningen University & Research (WUR)

This session will be recorded.

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ProjectX Newsletter featured image

Project X Autumn 2020 News Letter

Project X Autumn 2020 News Letter

This issue will tell you all about where Project X is now, how our team has been dealing with the pandemic, plans for the future - and more!

“We need approaches that work for innovators, large corporates and investors alike – and that bring measurable benefits for people and planet. FEED-X and Project X promise just that.”

- Thomas Vellacott, CEO, WWF CH

Where are we?

Our Demonstration Programmes

We are at a very exciting stage of our FEED-X programme. Through the 9-stage Project X Model, feed industry and independent experts have applied the systematic process to identify key categories of innovation in alternative feed ingredients.

After assessing 89 potential alternative feed ingredient solutions, industry experts have selected the Ten most promising Innovations.

Each ingredient went through an independent assessment across six Project X sustainability index metrics, including nutritional performance, environmental, and ethical.

Five of the innovations are now in the testing stage and these can be found on our website!

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So what now?

We are now ready to engage with a broader audience and exchange our experiences and information with others interested in sustainably fed food through what we have called: The Knowledge X-Change Programme.

Our communications team has also been getting creative and has designed this fantastic Knowledge X-Change logo and branding, of which we are very proud.

Knowledge-Xchange Events

The programme aims to enable at least 10% of the global feed industry to adopt sustainable alternative nutrients into their value chains – helping to significantly reduce the sector’s environmental impacts, particularly on deforestation, carbon emissions and unsustainable practices – and increasing sustainably fed food delivered by resilient value chains. It begins with two webinars starting later this month.

Register Here

#1: Scaling of Alternative Feed Ingredients

September 23rd
  • Speakers share their experiences and discuss the lessons from early experiences that can now support faster scale up.
  • They also share how to ensure there is confidence in the alternative ingredients being chosen by industry - which is where Project X shares its approach to de-risking.

#2: Building Resilience & Future of the Feed Industry

September 29th
  • It follows on to recognise the 10 selected innovators and to launch the ProjectX/PwC Market Opportunities Report.
  • A panel then explores the link between creating a pipeline of alternative ingredients and building a post COVID resilient and sustainable sustainably fed food supply chain.

B-Corp Certification!

In addition, we are proud to announce two key paragraphs have been added to Project X’s Articles of Association.

The first is legally committing Project X to donate a minimum of 10% of distributable profits to charitable purposes and allows a further 10% to be donated to impact organisations.

The second addition is embedding and protecting our B-Corp principles by requiring a 90% majority vote by shareholders to amend or delete those principles.

Find out more
B-Corp Certification

Staff Welcome!

Dean Faithfull

Project X Global would like to welcome Dean Faithfull, who has recently joined as our Project Manager. It has been great getting a him on board, setting up the project and ensuring furloughed staff are now back in the fold.

Pablo Rozo Navarro 02

Project X Global would also like to welcome Pablo Rozo-Navarro, who returns as our Communications Officer – he has been working on different collateral for the Project X website and social media pages since joining the team.

We're engaged!

Time to hear from our CEO - Marcela!

Hi, everyone! Farmers play a huge role in the value chain, and Project X has started engaging in detail with salmon farm-er groups Our team has created an engagement document, designed to solicit participation from both farmers and retailers.

This participation includes being part of an interview session with our experts at Project X, to identify the risks, incentives and the barriers to shifting to alternative feed ingredients.

In addition, we are continuing to engage with retailers – including Tesco, Sainsburys and IKEA – who have helped Project X shape the content for the Knowledge X-Change Programme.

Our engagement with organisations doesn’t stop there. I was delighted to be a panel member at the World Agri-Tech South America Summit on the 29th and 30th July.

It was fantastic to be part of the panel alongside other experts and influential figures in the world of animal health and nutrition including:

Cristiano Veloso, President and CEO of Verde Agritech; Carlos Saviani, Global Sustainability lead for Animal nutrition and Health at DSM; Luis Azevedo, former Executive Director of Business Development at Novus International, and Vinicius Chiappetta, Global Livestock Director- Digital Insights at Cargill.

We discussed critical issues facing the industry, and how it is addressing key challenges in animal nutrition, how innovation can support more sustainable sources, and the regulatory concerns for animal feed innovation.

Read Marcela's account of the summit

Partnerships Posts!

We are very thankful for The Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, which has awarded Project X a grant to be utilised in Stage 9 (Industry Roll-out) of the FEED-X Project. This begins with the creation of our Knowledge X-Change Programme.

EF logo

Since kickstarting our work with the Esmee Fairbairn Foundation, we have also brought on board a new partnership: The Soil Association. We are also working with the Panda Labs-Impactio platform.

The Soil Association is a fantastic organization that works across the spectrum of human health, the environment, and animal welfare. They will collaborate with Project X to accelerate both parties’ common goals.

soil logo

The Panda Labs-Impactio platform is a curation plat-form for innovation – Project X has contributed to its development process by giving feedback as a curator. This partnership will enable more curated innovations to come on-board faster in the future.

Panda Labs logo

Put it to the test!

As we delve into Stage-9 of the project, we also turn our attention to testing of our expertly selected feed innovations. The team has put together a protocol that outlines the variants we want to test.

Project X through its partner entity SIV that it co-founded is supporting the scale-up finance to enable the innovators to produce their ingredients at volumes that can be consistently tested and produced at volumes required for raw material processing.

Our work with our investment partner has led to the creation of the SIV Food Equity Fund. The Fund will invest in a portfolio of at least 12 companies reviewing in priority the curated innovators from the FEED-X programme to support them with scale up funds.

After consolidating the relationship with our founding partners, Skretting, we now have the freedom to engage with other feed companies who can assist us with testing the selected innovative ingredients.

Skretting has already agreed to test 5 of the innovations!

At the moment we are focused on salmon and shrimp feed, but later aim to include the test protocols for chicken, pets, and beef.

Let's wrap it up!

We are pleased with our progress over the past three months. The Knowledge X-Change programme will be crucial in achieving our goal of shifting 10% of the animal feed industry to sustainable solutions by 2025.

Bringing new partners on board is always positive and we are thrilled to be collaborating with such influential organisations. Celebrating our top ten innovators will be a significant moment, as we recognize the valuable products being produced that will make a real difference to the animal feed industry.

With that said, there has been difficulties along the way. COVID 19 has undoubtedly affected many organisations and while work seemed to slow down at Project X, it did not come to a halt.

The team remained vigilant and positive and despite the situation, we continued to engage with many stakeholders and build relationships (and new partnerships!).

We, like so many have had to adapt our plans to engage using online tools rather than face to face. There were events we had wanted to use to frame our engagement plans but these have undergone constant revision as what is possible with COVID 19 becomes clearer.

Retailers are developing feed strategies, which is great – it does mean, however, they have not wanted to commit to demonstration actions until they have an internally approved strategy in place.

The testing the selected feed innovations has not started as quickly as expected; due to the current situation, innovators have had to adapt to get test volumes ready. Despite these obstacles, we are giving the innovators our full support to ensure that everything gets back on track. We are stronger together.

What's next?

This month, I am delighted to be taking part in this year’s Animal AgTech Innovation Summit on 14th September 2020, and especially pleased to be chairing the panel on Supply Chain Safety, Transparency and Traceability.

Read AgTech Summit

Our communications team will be collaborating to develop an exciting social media approach and plan to support the Knowledge X-Change programme, so look out for our posts on Twitter and LinkedIn with the handle @projectxglobal – or connect with us using the icons below!

Marcela Navarro

As we move forward, Project X will continue to engage with farmers, retailers, feed companies, innovators, and financiers – while continuing to share our knowledge across the value-chain.

Thanks for your support; I hope you enjoyed reading about our progress!

Until next time,

marcela signature

Marcela Navarro, CEO and Co-Founder of Project X Global

For more information about Project X and our programmes, e-mail us at

For more information about our events and knowledge exchange webinars, e-mail us at

This programme is supported by

World Agri Tech Summit highlights featured image

Highlights from Project X’s exclusive World AgriTech Panel

If you’ve been following Project X for a while, you’ll know that we were invited to speak at the World AgriTech Innovation Summit; an excellent event that brings the brightest minds in the animal health and feed industries to share critical knowledge.

We recognise that not everyone has the time, or the means required to participate in events like these, so as part of our commitment to transparent and accessible information, we are sharing our four favourite highlights of the event.

1: What makes a collaborative model successful, sustainable, and scalable?

Open system innovation is still not very common in the animal nutrition or animal health sectors. During a recently LinkedIn interview “Ask an Expert” with Per Heggenes, CEO, IKEA Foundation, Jesper Brodin, CEO Ingka Group said

“We stand in a decade that might be the most important in the history of mankind. The climate crisis will not wait for Coronavirus. If we look at the data and our predictions, the climate crisis that stands before us will most likely have a bigger impact on both health and the economy than the current situation. There is no way that we can look ourselves in the mirror and postpone the actions that we have committed ourselves to.

Ingka Group remains committed to the IKEA ambition to become climate positive and circular by 2030 and contribute to limiting the global temperature rise to 1.5°C. The Ingka Group emission reduction goals are approved by the Science Based Targets Initiative.

The big focus area for Ingka Group is to inspire customers that there are affordable solutions for life at home which are sustainable and that there can be a value chain which is circular.

As a company, our biggest wish is to convince a lot of people that sustainability is not charity. Sustainability is the new business model, the new low cost. The old model of irresponsible consumption or consumption without limitations is, at the end of the day, a very expensive model. We cannot be IKEA for the many people if we follow that route,” says Brodin.”

In this model, all actors would have a very defined and complimentary role to play – start-ups delivering innovation and speed, academia with independent science, established players with needs, and impact investors / venture capital with a deep understanding of the funds and methodology for assessing and nurturing start-ups.

An innovation model that minimises the risks for the buyers, the investors and the ecosystem. A model that makes adoption of innovations at scale and speed possible.

Innovation is infectious. Let make adoption of innovation even more infectious.

2: How can technology make the food value chain more resilient?

The boom in marketplaces, fintech, and agritech is a good example of technology and progressive business models improving the efficiency of food value chains. Ag and fintechs may cover an important gap in ag-financing and risk management – a salient problem for local farmers.

Take TerraMagna, for instance: this The Yield Lab portfolio company combines satellite imagery, cloud computing, and multiple sources of information. This gives credit and loan providers an easy way to monitor the crop receipts of agricultural loans, de-risking the process and making loans more affordable to the producer.

3: The ecosystem approach is still very young in ag-production – how can the feed sector in Latin America create advocacy for this as it transforms?

The agritech innovation ecosystem in Latin America is very young but shows impressive robustness, nonetheless. Latin America has the talent and the entrepreneurial spirit to not only to produce food, feed, and materials but also complete ag-technologies.

We are entering a new ag-revolution; the same way Brazil mastered tropical agriculture in the past 50 years, evolving from net food importer to a great food exporter to the world. Now is the time to come together and invest in the regional innovation ecosystem!

4: There is exponentially growing demand for sustainable solutions. How is this affecting the innovations market and capital raising?

Latin America has had a very positive year with approximately $1.4B invested and 40% more deals than in 2018. In terms of value, it is important to highlight that $1B went to Rappi in Colombia. Argentina was particularly active in its number of deals despite political turmoil in the second half of the year.

It is very exciting to see the interaction with venture capital becoming a significant factor in the regional ag-food tech innovation ecosystem. We should also highlight the importance of early stage investments, especially in the Latin American context; we are witnessing the birth of a nascent ag-food tech industry.

We are delighted to have had the opportunity to take part in such an important event; as a system’s player, our goal is to catalyse the adoption of sustainable innovations at the pace the planet needs it. Events like the World AgriTech Innovation Summit give Project X and like-minded organisations the platform to interact with other players in the industry, for which we are very grateful.

If this article has piqued your interest in the kind of discussions available through these events, we have good news! Project X has been invited to speak at the Animal AgTech Innovation Summit on September 14th, 2020. Details at:

Why the AgriTech Sector Needs a system’s approach

Marcela Navarro, CEO and Co-Founder of Project X reflects on the World AgriTech Summit; uncovering the real reason why businesses hesitate to adopt sustainable solutions.

On the 29th and 30th of July, I had the opportunity to participate in the World AgriTech South America Summit as a speaker and panellist for the event’s discussions of Animal Health and Nutrition. I feel fiercely proud of the agritech industry when I take part in an event like this; it’s stirring to see experts and industry leaders come together to share critical intelligence and advance sustainability in the sector.

It’s crucial that knowledge exchanges continue to happen. These Summits are a great platform for this. As a species, we do not have the necessary resources to address current environmental crises, let alone the irreversible consequences of climate change that are projected to unfold in the next decade. We have been told time and time again that our trajectory is self-destructive; that we need to move forward.

So why are we procrastinating? This is one of the issues I was invited to the World AgriTech Summit to address. We believe that companies are reluctant to adjust because change is expensive, or because new solutions are time consuming. Are we asking the right questions? A key one that comes to mind is actually ‘what the true cost of low-cost ingredients. ’The cost of associated risks, resilience, reputation, natural capital. Are we accounting them in?

The lack of open information in the feed sector is a challenge and a bigger challenge is that there are still very few innovations adopted at scale. The Summit gives industry leaders a platform to disseminate valuable knowledge, but it is not enough to create change at the pace the planet needs it. The world has focussed too much on the push for innovations without building the foundation for buyers and investors to feel comfortable adopting new solutions.

This is where Project X comes in. Our role is catalytic; we accelerate innovations into global supply chains and global business. A fundamental principle of our mission is execution. We are committed to making adoption easy, dramatically reducing time to market. This brings tangible benefits for the buyers, the investors and the planet.
It’s an honour to hold the unique position of channelling the right investments, the right people, the right solutions; I am proud that the work we are undertaking in Project X is helping guide and accelerate these “invisible assets” into a system that needs them.

The journey hasn’t always been easy – there are times when I feel there is a need for systemic change particularly keenly. As a Latin American woman in business, I have experienced what it is like to be considered a bit bossy, a bit loud and clearly intense, for not conforming with what some of you have probably heard before, more than a bit “this is not the way things work in here”. I have seen brilliant people from minority groups be passed over despite their talent. We need to continue to address this. As we need to address the access gap for brilliant market ready innovators with the solutions we can all benefit from.

It is a fact that the world needs something different. I will continue to do what is necessary to help industries adapt in the right ways; together, we can be the change we want to see.

Marcela Navarro


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