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Project X Global is a WWF founded corporate accelerator which helps organisations adopt sustainable innovations in their supply chains. Our mission is to radically transform the sustainability performance of 10 industry value chains most responsible for biodiversity decline and climate change impacts in 10 years. The ultimate goal of every programme is to get 10% of global industry to procure alternative sustainable solutions at scale.

“The planet is asking us for coordinated action at scale – it’s crucial that we deliver it quickly. The degradation of climate change and biodiversity loss is happening at an exponential rate and the average response is linear. We all know what is at stake. We all know the response is not sufficient. At Project X we take away excuses to act on climate change. There is not a better time to act and to act now”.

Marcela Navarro CEO and Founder Project X Global, UK

Net Zero 2030

Project X Global is committed to zero emissions by 2030

Our Values

As a values-driven business, we work to carefully balance people, planet and profit in everything we do.

in August 2020 we became a fully certified B-Corp joining a community of businesses that balance purpose and profit. We now have full B-corp status and are committed to donating up to 25% of our distributable profits to charitable causes.

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Our Strategy

Building on our previous experiences in innovative global programmes and new ventures,
we have defined the following structuring and roll out plans:

Strategy left
  • Secure and deliver 2 pilot programmes:
  • Build strategic partnership community
  • Define 10 highest impact industry value chains for 2020-2030 programme & secure industry leaders
  • Reach self sustaining profitability
  • Build investment community
Strategy right
  • Deliver the 10 industries in 10 years programme
  • Measure our contribution against the global carbon budget and SDGs
  • Transfer knowledge and learnings to broader industries for widespread adoption

Defining the 10 in 10

In order to define the 10 highest impact industries to be focused on in this 10 year programme, Project X and WWF completed an independent report in 2019.

The aim of this report was to identify the 10 industry value chains most responsible for biodiversity decline and climate change impacts, then hone down on the highest impact intervention points within those value chains that Project X can help with.

The report identified and profiled leading examples of corporates within each industry to prove that change is possible, shared some examples of already existing game changing technologies and solutions poised to step change these industries, as well as identified key industry leaders capable of making the most impact on behalf of their industries, if they could adopt these solutions at scale.

This report is the basis for our work at ProjectX, and our roadmap to shifting $1.3tn to sustainable procurement by 2030.

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Project Governance

Good Project Governance is critical to the success of our programme.

The following structures have been put in place to effectively guide the Project X Programme.

Strategic Partnerships Board:
The purpose of the Strategic Partnerships board is to provide guidance and technical support for the effective delivery of all Project X programmes.

WWF Steering Committee:
The purpose of the WWF Steering Committee is to provide guidance and technical support for the effective delivery of all Project X programmes.

Peer Reviewed Research:
In addition to the above guidance and control mechanisms, Project X conducts extensive multi-stakeholder peer review on all reports created in the programme.