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FEED-X 2019 Finalists' Day

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FEED-X 2019 Finalists' Day

Exciting decisions were made on 17 September 2019, and these decisions have opened up significant doors to address the challenges we are all facing from climate change.

It was the FEED-X 2019 Finalists’ Day, and was a key milestone for the FEED-X programme, marking the end of the FEED-X programme’s Search & Select stage.
Project X launched the search for innovative solutions to common sustainability problems in the feed and aquaculture sectors in early May, and received over 124 expressions of interest from innovators eager to commercialise their ideas. After a careful period of shortlisting by a handful of carefully curated external experts, 15 of the best innovators were selected to be assessed on FEED-X Finalists’ Day.

On the day, a group of 10 challenger innovations were selected by a panel of 13 subject matter experts in the fields of nutrition, feed, environment, alternative protein, aquaculture innovation, finance, assurance. These experts were from Skretting, the World Bank, WWF, DTU Aqua, and family offices, amongst others.

The successful innovators have been invited to progress to the next stage of this acceleration programme; compressing the time otherwise required to scale the adoption of sustainable alternatives into corporate value chains.

FEED-X has lead partner support from one of the largest animal and aquaculture feed suppliers in the world – Nutreco, and its aquaculture division Skretting – which represent a significant share of the global feed market and €5.9 billion of purchasing power. Financial support for the FEED-X programme has also come from Ikea (IKEA Supply AG), WWF and EIT Climate-KIC, and additional technical support from UNEP-One Planet, Cambridge University and other universities. The co-ordinated approach between organisations in the FEED-X programme has given entrepreneurs rare access to markets and allows them to commercialise-at-scale for brilliant, and sustainable alternatives worldwide.

At Skretting, we have seen that the biggest limitation in implementation of novel ingredients is scale. This project allows a game-changing discussion to mobilise the necessary resources, and highlights why we’re involved in the project – we can make a real impact to global sustainability. And of course we see a direct link with our mission of Feeding the Future.” James Rose, Operations & Procurement Director, Skretting

At IKEA, we always strive to make things better. Nothing is so good that it cannot be improved. Through the FEED-X initiative, connecting expertise from the full value chain, we want to make a big leap by improving the sustainability footprint of salmon. We are proud to take part in this industry transformation, making salmon an even better product for people and planetJesper Juul Andersen, Category Area Manager, IKEA of Sweden

Feed X Challenge logos

TBLI June 2019 1

Project X at TBLI Conference

Project X at TBLI Conference

We were delighted that our CEO, Marcela Navarro was invited to speak this month at one of the key conferences in the impact investment space, the TBLI Conference 2019, in Zurich.

It was TBLI’s 35th European conference and workshops and panel discussions were around ‘Next Gen Investment’, ‘Gender-Smart Impact Investing’, ‘Blockchain & Impact Investing’, ‘Shaping an Investment Strategy Around SDGs’ amongst others.

Marcela joined a panel to discuss ‘Climate Strategy at Scale’, to share the lessons she has learnt, and experience she has gained, from being a part of a strategy implementation and programme roll-out for industry leaders RBS and Cummins. She was met by equally driven individuals representing ESG prioritising organisations. These individuals included: Raffaela Lombard from Lombard Impact, Andre Laude from International Finance Corporation, Dr. Silke A. Krawietz from SETA Network, and Marcel Brenninkmeijer from Good Energies Foundation.

Since John Elkington coined the phrase, ‘triple bottom line’ (TBL) in 2015, the TBL space continues to grow and grow. However, in 2018 John suggested we rethink what the phrase really means and recall it to be amended. In 2015, the phrase ‘triple bottom line’ was a sustainability framework that examined a company’s social, environmental, and economic impact. However, since then, in business lexicon, the word ‘economic’ has become ‘financial’. John questioned whether the purpose and means of the TBL phrase has been diluted and whether ‘systems change’ was no longer a goal we are all trying to reach.

It is truly exciting that we, Project-X, are able to be at the forefront of this revolution. Through our continued efforts in research and research implementation, we hope to continue to see this kind of progress far into the future.

News May Edie Live 2019

Project X at Edie Live

Project X at Edie Live

The concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has shifted in recent years as it’s becoming increasingly evident that businesses gain from having a leading edge in sustainable development. They have recognised that this approach is good for the planet, it helps social goals be reached – and in addition it leads to customer satisfaction. 

This year, on 21 May 2019, Edie Live hosted our very own Chief Executive and Co-Founder, Marcela Navarro on a panel with multiple other influential guest speakers, including:

  • Mike Hanson, Head of Sustainable Business, BaxterStorey
  • Simon Graham, Head of Innovation, De Courcy Alexander
  • Jamie Hall, Operations Director, Mitie Energy

Interesting discussions evolved as the panelists shared their own experiences and how they believe the concept of CSR has already shifted, and will continue to shift in the years to come.

Moreover, the discussions were carried out to Twitter, where engagement continued for days after the panel was hosted. The exciting momentum created at Edie Live was clear to see.

Events such as these demonstrate how the power of collaborative effort has the potential to take place in corporate climates. If you’d like to listen to the panel yourself, please check out this link.


Innovations to Scale Launch

The FEED-X Programme – Transforming the Global Feed Industry – FEED-X Challenge

WWF-founded enterprise Project X Global has opened the search for the next outstanding innovation to radically transform the global feed industry.  In partnership with Skretting, Climate-KIC, WWF and IKEA, FEED-X is now at a key stage of accelerating innovations across the feed sector and is welcoming applications for sustainable feed innovations from entrepreneurs eager to commercialise their ideas.

The goal of the FEED-X programme is to ensure that the global feed industry can produce enough food to support the growing world population by shifting 10% of global feed production to sustainable sourcing from novel alternative solutions. It aims to do so by 2025 – through sourcing, testing, financing and scaling alternative feed ingredients and technologies that affect feed. The programme will focus on salmon and shrimp; two aquaculture species with wholly different feed requirements and industry structures. Project X has already hosted a category de-risking event where experts from Harvard University, Wageningen University Research, and Utrecht University among others presented their key findings.

Christoph Mathiesen, Sustainability Developer, IKEA of Sweden AB, shared his commitment to the programme:

“IKEA Food is committed to securing a more sustainable supply chain for our food business. We know that animal feed such as salmon feed can have a negative impact on the climate, environment and biodiversity. We see the collaboration with Project X as a great opportunity to support sustainable food systems and accelerate the innovation in animal feed.”

FEED-X has lead partner support from one of the largest animal and aquaculture feed suppliers in the world – Nutreco, and its aquaculture division Skretting – which represent a significant share of the global feed market and €5.9 billion of purchasing power. Strategic and financial support for the FEED-X programme has also come from IKEA (IKEA Supply AG), WWF and EIT Climate-KIC, and technical support from UNEP-One Planet, and Cambridge University.

The co-ordinated approach between organisations in the FEED-X programme will give entrepreneurs rare access to markets and allow them to commercialise their outstanding sustainable alternative feed solutions at scale.

The application is a two-stage process. Project X invites innovators to fill in the Expression of Interest form by the 10th of May, after which they will be provided with the application form. The applications will then be independently reviewed by an expert panel including high-profile individuals from a range of sectors.

Applications will be accepted no later than the 15th of May.

Chris Vogliano

Chris Vogliano

Chris Vogliano

Chris Vogliano PhD, RDN

Research Fellow at Bioversity International

Chris working in a FAO/A4NH funded research project in the Solomon Islands looking at the role of biodiversity in indigenous food systems and diet quality. Chris is a public health dietitian who has expertise in alleviating food insecurity and promoting sustainable diets through educational programming, policy interventions, and research. Chris has served as an agriculture, nutrition and health research fellow for The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Foundation, was awarded the “Young Dietitian of the Year” award by the state of Washington, and Chris is currently a Ph.D. Candidate at Massey University in Wellington, New Zealand, focused on promoting biodiverse and sustainable food systems among Pacific Small Island Developing States (PSIDS).

Rosario Londono 1

Rosario Londono

Rosario Londono 1

Rosario Londono

A systems innovator, executive advisor, speaker, and leadership coach

Rosario is Co-Founder of both the Global Movement League of Intrapreneurs and The Finance, Mindfulness and Technology Lab, as well as Founder of the One4One Accelerator and the Fourth Dimensional Quotient programs. She’s an Adjunct Professor at American University and acts as an advisor to organizations like Imperative Fund, Prodigy Networks, Foundation for Commercializing Innovation, The World Summit on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, and CNS Global Advisors. Rosario has worked with corporations like Accenture, Citibank, and ITI to help them prepare their workforce for the digital economy. She’s also BMW Foundation Responsible Leaders and World Summit on Innovation and Entrepreneurship Fellow.

Paulina Gual 1

Paulina Gual, MSc

Paulina Gual 1

Paulina Gual, MSc

Consultant, Blonk Consultants

Paulina Gual is a consultant at Blonk Consultants. She is a Chemical Engineer with an MSc degree in Industrial Ecology. Paulina has several years of experience in the energy industry in Mexico. She has worked for Blonk Consultants for the past two years, being involved in different environmental sustainability related projects. Her focus is carbon footprint and life cycle assessment, mainly working in projects of data analysis and custom tool modelling for the beer and food/beverage packaging industries.

Andrea Majic

Andrea Keessen

Andrea Majic

Andrea Keesen

Authority for Consumers and Markets

Andrew Keesen holds a PhD from Utrecht University in European administrative law, where she was a past team member. Her research was focused on the role of law in sustainability transitions and adaptation to climate change, in particular in Europe. For an overview of her publications, please review this link.

Michael Tlusty

Michael Tlusty, Ph.D.

Michael Tlusty

Michael Tlusty Ph.D.

Associate Professor Sustainability and Food Solutions at the University of Massachusetts, Boston

Michael Tlusty links science, technology, and innovation to help transform the world’s aquatic food systems and to educate the next generation leaders necessary to develop integrative solutions to create enough food for our burgeoning population. His approach is to find solutions to create more food, waste less of it and to help the entire value chain do a better job creating the food we already produce. In his spare time, he uses the lessons learned in studying seafood value chains to create solutions to stop the trade of illegal wildlife products.

Jeroen Kals Wageningen Livestock Research

Dr Jeroen Kals

Jeroen Kals Wageningen Livestock Research

Dr Jeroen Kals, PhD

Senior Researcher Seafood, Aquaculture & Fish Nutrition, Wageningen University & Research (WUR) & Livestock Research Team (WRL)

Dr. ir. J. (Jeroen) Kals is a researcher at WUR’s Wageningen Livestock Research and has extensive experience in aquaculture in general and fish nutrition in particular, processing of fish and fishery by-products. He has worked at different institutes within Wageningen Research for over 20 years. Currently, his main field of interest is fish nutrition, focusing on the nutritional value of (alternative) ingredients, the development of species specific feed formulations, novel additives, resource-use efficiency and food security.