Piers Hart

Piers Hart

Global Aquaculture Lead, WWF
Feed-X Technical Working Group

Dr Hart has nearly 40 years’ experience in aquaculture working in a variety of positions in the commercial sector, government, research, lecturing, consultancy and the NGO sector in both Australia and the United Kingdom. He has a BSc in Fishery Science and a PhD in flatfish larval rearing from the University of Tasmania and has been involved in salmonid, marine fish, abalone and rock lobster farming, recirculation systems, development of aquaculture teaching courses and certification of sustainable and organic aquaculture. He has published numerous papers on a diverse range of aquaculture issues and research.

Dr Hart has been working for the WWF for the past nine years and was the Global Aquaculture Lead until 2017. He is also a Director of SARF and is on the Steering Group for the ASC Feed Dialogue.